Nelson Ngure
My name is Nelson Ngure, i am a sixteen year old ,i am in class seven ,i live Kabiria slum ,Kwa maji ,Nairobi county and my passion when i grow up ,i want to be professional footballer, my parents are casual labours ,they are hardworking, but they lack money, because the job they do, don’t come frequently. i envy my friends parents because they are rich.
Growing in Kabiria slums, they are many challenges i face ,which include:- Going to bed without food, lack of basic such as clothes ,proper education as compared to Academic schools, peer presser who induce people to drugs, alcohol, gangs (thieves) and an acceptable behaviour such pre-mature sex.
When i finish school i would like to get from poverty.
Teacher Abel program’s has helped me a lot, because he feeds us every Saturday and he nurture our talents through music.
Please Help teacher Abel ,so that he may reach other children ,like me. Thank you